Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Deep breath and away we gooo!
Have you ever been putzing about? Puttering and trying to procrastinate and then, while cleaning out emails (don't ask how old!) I found an email leading to this. 
I'd forgotten about the Garden Nook. 
Rather timely because I'd been thinking about blogging. And doing it in a more consistent way. So much has changed - I mean, it's been a decade! 
I've changed. You've changed. And, lord knows - the world just this year has changed.
I don't know about you but I'm ready to yell - stop the world and let me off!! Since that's not an option, how about we work together to find balance? Peace and calm in the craziness. To find contentment and serenity.
I started anew on 1 August, committing myself this month to mindfulness. To actively seeking ways to find, well, new ways to find myself. Because who I was ten years ago? I'm not that person anymore. My entire life has turned upside-down, inside-out, and is unrecognizable. 
I'm rediscovering myself in a new stage of life. I'm focusing more on what I need and want in my life. Not what others tell me I should or must have. I've never been very good at standing up for myself. I should have done it sooner. It's very liberating! 
Would like to join me? I'm walking, doing yoga and meditating, writing, taking care of the cats and my garden pots. And trying to release the best parts of me while discarding everything holding me back. Hopefully, some of it will help you, or give you a springboard in your own path of discovery. If it does, let me know! 
I'm going to be figuring this out as I go - if you have suggestions, shout'em out. 
Oh, and I'm on social media and slowly expanding my facebook group -, page - and Instagram! -
So come along, join in and take a deep breath. I'll be taking lots of them! 

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