Saturday, August 8, 2020

Current Status of the Journey

 I got a message from someone asking - Where are you on the journey you talk about? Do you think you've made any progress? Has it been worth it? What did you do when people laughed or questioned what you were doing?

Great questions! I'll answer the first two with this post.

My current status - further along but still learning. I've definitely made progress. There have been setbacks. Major setbacks outside the current pandemic. 

BUT - when I got knocked back, on my butt, and felt woozy, I've learned to pause, catch my breath, clear my head and then figure out what happened. Easier said than done as, trust me, all that can take days or weeks to sort through. 

Major lessons learned - 

1. I can say 'no'. Simple, right? It's a toddler's favorite word, but one we seem to forget how to say it as we get older. I was raised to be a 'good girl' and 'no' (except in certain circumstances!) wasn't what a 'good girl' said. People don't like being told no and argue about it - especially if they've been able to talk you around in the past. I've learned (am learning) to simply repeat the word, smile slightly and walk away. And you know something? I DO NOT have to explain myself! Neither do you! It was so liberating to realize that! 

2. My body can't do what it did ten or twenty years ago and that's okay. I've learned that my body and mind work best if I average 6k steps a day, practice daily yoga and meditation and keep to a consistent sleep schedule. Pretty basic, huh? Yet in my previous hectic, non-stop life, I didn't do that. At all. I was all over the place. Five years ago, I started listening to my body, to my instincts. I didn't always listen, not at first. But now, I crave the morning yoga and walk to stretch my body and wake up my mind for the day. 

3. I'm learning to ask for help. And who to ask. Who to trust. That's been a very hard lesson the past few years. Professionally and personally. But I have my circle of trusted family and friends. People whose love and support are constant, along with the no hesitancy of applying a verbal 2x4 when I need it. Because of them, I'm regaining the confidence to stand up for myself. And others.

So, if you follow along, you'll find out how I got to this point, and I'll answer the rest next week. Do you have any questions? Comment or message me through Instagram or Facebook. 

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I am Worthy - First Steps

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